Sunday, February 8, 2009

Why do we care?

We had a good weekend... mostly spent at home -- went to the PAL fundraiser Saturday night, but other than that nothing special going on. What I am finding amazing (about myself, I guess) is how much I like cruising the Facebook profiles of friends, acquaintances, high school classmates, etc.

It really does feel like snooping in someone's medicine cabinet. (Don't tell me you haven't done that; you're a liar. You know you've done it, and I know you've done it, so there.). And what compels us to "throw down" and share some of our intimate thoughts with the world? (See 25 Random Things About Me). Is it that we all are a little bit vunerable and sometimes we need to connect with others by demonstrating our vunerability? I don't really know the answer, but I have to say that there is something compelling and strangely satisfying learning about other people's fears and feelings. Maybe we all have an inner need to know what makes other people tick, or we just want to feel that someone else feels our pain or shares our viewpoint.

Well, whatever it is, I have to say, that I have found Facebook to be an eye-opening experience (experiment?) and I will continue to "see" who is out there... on-line, looking me up.... and you.... and you.... and you....


Jason: said...


neale said...

go for broke putting my blog anywhere. if you really wanted, i'd let you print up stickers and then stomp around the nation plastering them on stop signs or old people. i've been doing that, and i think if the police see more than one person doing it, they're less likely to arrest me. that's how the law works, right?

Alisa said...

Neale, print away, baby! I'd love to run around sticking stickers on random old people, who would yell and shake their fingers at us! Sounds like a helluva good time to me!!!! I love harassing old people; payback for all the erratic driving and rudeness to anyone under 65 in the grocery store and at restaurants. Do they think they own the world or what????