Friday, December 19, 2008

M-I-S-S-I-N' Mississippi

I am delighted to have "found" some old friends from my college days at USM this past year... I got back in touch with my pal Jarrod Ravencraft about two years ago, found Michelle Howell on about 6 months ago and just recently Kristen Phillips (now Kern) (whom I totally idolized because she was such a fixture doing graphics and design "downstairs" with the production guys) and I got back together, keeping up with each other and reading each other's blogs.

Kristen e-mailed me this week and said that she had run into Melissa Medley, one of my very favorite people in the state of Mississippi! Melissa was nice enough to have me do an internship at her company, Success Marketing, during college and hands down, she was the very best boss I have ever had. Period. I think that now, as a boss, I do try to emulate those qualities that she possesses, but I'm not sure I hit it on the mark! Melissa is now the director of communications and marketing for the Mississippi Development Authority and does work with the Mississippi Governor's Office.

Kristen is the Director of Communications for the Mississippi Bankers Association and she and her husband have a beautiful little girl.

It's been a delight to reconnect with these amazing people. I'm going to curl up on the couch with my college yearbook and re-live some of those great memories!


Christa said...

If you got with the times and joined Facebook, you would probably find many, many more of these people! :-) Come on! Everybody's doing it! LOL

Kristen said...

Alisa you are too sweet. It was I who idolized you, the p.r. strategist extraordinaire. I will agree with you that Melissa is just about the best boss you could ask for. She gently directed and taught instead of ordering us around. What a great example she set! Love, Kristen

Alisa said...

Kristen -- what a love fest! Too funny! Thanks for getting back in touch and sending me Melissa's info!

Christa, OK, OK, maybe sometime in 2009 I'll do the Facebook thing!!!