Tuesday, November 4, 2008

#14 at Precinct #151, Sarasota County

So this morning at 9:30 a.m. I cast my vote for President and various and sundry amendments, local leaders, etc. It was very exciting to actually have people (other than that volunteer poll wokers) in Precinct 151, normally I am either the 2nd or 4th voter... a sad state of affairs. Still, there was no line, no wait, just signing and filling in the bubble and then voting... (you gotta love having a tiny Precinct)!

The same old guy has been checking me in for the six years I have been in Precinct 151. He is so sweet and I get the feeling that he lives for these election days... he's always in such a good mood, just like the guy who gives you the sticker at the end. He was nice enough to give one to Bryce, too, since she accompanied me.

Have you noticed yet that I enjoy typing the word Precinct? Precinct. Precinct. Precinct. See? Isn't that a great word? Hmmm... I wonder what it really means and what the orgin is. I need to look it up. If you haven't already done so, go vote and get that really cool sticker. Precinct!


Apryl said...

pre-cinct n. ME precincte, an enclosed space

Does that mean my padded room is a precinct unto itself?????