Monday, November 3, 2008

Bill Maher is My Hero!

How could I forget to mention???... Saturday night we went to see Bill Maher's movie, Religulous. My good and like minded friend Joe Messing told me that I just HAD to see it when I went to lunch with him last week and Jason and I LOVE Real Time with Bill Maher, so we knew we had to get a babysitter and go out to see this one.

The Youngs (a bit surprisingly to me) went with us to Burns Court, where it is truly fun to enjoy a movie with a glass of beer or wine... and then we headed over to Ceviche for some tapas at the bar. A fun night... and it's been awhile since we've been out sans children!

Back to the movie, I have to say it's quite honestly the best documentary I have ever seen! But maybe that is because I clearly enjoy having someone (esp. someone as witty and acerbic as Bill Maher) confirm my suspicions about religion in general.

P.S. Carol, please, please don't hold this against me, just pray for me!!! Just kidding!!!!!