Thursday, August 14, 2008

Am I a Freak? No, really.... I need to know...

I've been doing some soul searching lately and thinking about money and the future and life in general. Is that what happens to all of us in a shitty economy? I don't know. In my file cabinet I've got a file titled "Personal Goals" and there are maybe 25 pieces of paper with all different types of goals listed. Many are financial, some are travel "dreams" and others are just a combination of all types of goals. Some are organized, sorted and typed up with dates attached to each goal, others are neatly written in cursive and some are hastily scribbled on a napkin or scrap of paper. I used to go through the file a few times a year and toss out the old stuff, but now, I'm intrigued by how my goals have changed so I'm hanging on to all of them. For instance, here are a few of my personal goals from 4/24/04.

- Design easy, inexpensive exercise routine to incorporate walking, jogging, exercise ball and weights. (FYI -- it took me 4 yrs. and 4 months to get to this one and actually do it).

- Cut down on Pepsi to one per day only. Drink lots of water. (Shit, I've been working on this for as long as I can remember and still today even though I only drank it at lunchtime on Friday I had four -- FOUR, count 'em frickin' Pepsis!!!!!!)

- Get information about lasik eye surgery. Schedule within next 12 months. (Done. Did it in summer of 2006 and have had 20/20 vision ever since. Awesome! Thanks, Dr. Kantor.)

So, I guess what I'm getting at is that it's been very cool to look introspectively at myself and see what my hot buttons were and what I've been able to accomplish. But mostly it's been pretty eye-opening to see what personal battles I'm still dealing with after years. And years. And years. Am I a freak? Does everyone do this?