Monday, August 18, 2008

Get Ready Bay Haven, Here Comes Jake Bennett

Today was the very first day of kindergarten for Jake. He was very excited but not really emotional at all. I thought that Bryce would have a hard time going to pre-school by herself, but she was just fine, too. I didn't cry or get all emotional, either. Of course, this all could be due to the fact that we are all a teensy bit focused on this storm (GO AWAY, FAY!) this is poised to possibly wreak havoc on our area.
Above are some pictures of Jake from this morning at Bay Haven. I am delighted that he is going to school there. I had to sign him up while I was still pregnant, so it's amazing to realize that it's already here. Have fun, Jake!


Christa said...

OMG, that school is beautiful! Wow, what a joy that must be to drop him off every day ~ in more ways than one! LOL Still counting down the week before my little monsters start. Today, Emma put kitty litter down the tub drain and buckets of water in the litterbox... Luckily, I was gone, and Steve had to deal.

Alisa said...

The school is really pretty... and of course, I do enjoy dropping him off. Today with all the chaos at the office I was the next to last car in the "car pick up line"... that made me feel pretty bad!!!! Oh, well.

Hope Steve survived the litter-switch incident! That girl is a piece of work!!!!!

Jason: said...

what a handsome kid, must take after his dad.